In church, Ben preached about the fig tree that didn’t bear fruit in Luke 13:6-9.
It was given a second chance and some encouragement. For the purpose of the message, the fig tree represents man. The caretake represents Jesus and the owner represents God.
John 15:16 – “bear fruit”
A lot of time fig tree represents Jerusalem. Jesus spent time with them but they didn’t accept him. A few years after Jesus’s death Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans.
Bearing fruit is a picture of us reproducing ourselves and the kingdom grows. Christians can be beautiful on the outside but not bear any fruit. Nice leaves, but leaves take up lots of resources and an unproductive tree uses as much ground as a fruitful one.
Beautiful on outside but not in heart. Can argue it hurting anything but they are. They are occupying ground that somebody else could use to produce fruit. The answer is to become fruitful
Jerimiah 17:7
Roots in the River?
Are we bearing fruit?
After church Juanita and I went to the corner Valero and its Laredo Taco company for lunch. They had a chicken burrito special with a soft drink. We ordered a pair of those. They were enormous. We each ate half of our burrito and made an unplanned trip home to store the other halves in the fridge for supper.
Then to Sam’s Club for gas. Then Nuevo Progreso for meds and to hand out a few curved illusion tracts. Across the bridge and back in about fifty minutes. No pedestrian line-ups coming back. Crowds seems sparser than this time last year. No people camped out on the bridge. Its our first time across this winter so have no idea how recently things have changed. Is it the Trump effect or something else?
Back to Sam’s for steps and a few food items. Home for supper and a quiet evening vegging.
The RCMP officer called. He had identified the perp who tried to use our intercepted credit cards. The ID was easy from the store video surveillance. Apparently, the local ne’er-do-wells wedge open the Post Office lobby door at closing tome. With no video surveillance in the post office lobby, they have all night access to the front of the Post Office boxes. They take it from there. Maybe the postal workers could take the time to close the bars on the lobby at closing time.