We start the month in Harlingen, Texas and expect to end it in Canada. Stay tuned
Juanita and I went for a walk in the Challenger Seven Memorial Park, a pleasant county park honouring the seven astronauts who lost their lives in the Challenger space shuttle explosion. Somewhere on the parks staff must be a nanny state sign maker. The walk in the park and a brief stroll through Costco got me close to the 10k a day steps. I completed the tally with repeated trips to CiCi’s pizza buffet where we went to lunch with Juanita’s sister.
We worked off the pizza a little bit by touring the 1940’s Houston Air Terminal then just sat around visiting until we called it a day.
After breakfast with one of Juanita’s nieces we drove back to Harlingen from Houston. The breakfast was at Pena Donuts and Diner, an old favorite of ours. It is under different ownership than when we used to go there often. The food is still good, but the ordering process is not as patron friendly as before. The restaurant is no longer as busy as it was in the past. The upside of this change for us was we were able to visit in relatively quiet surroundings.
Oscar Brooks was a surprise speaker this morning in chapel. His Jamaica trip was postponed. He continued to speak in Psalm 83 starting in verse 9.
After chapel, Juanita helped in the office. I went with Byron to the training center to check out air conditioners and pick up a pressure washer to be available for a group of teens arriving next week. Later we visited with Oscar, ran some errands and adjusted (again) a shower valve.
We were first in the “express line” at the local Nissan dealer when it opened at seven this morning. Unlike the express lane at our home Nissan dealer this line is by appointment not first come first serve. Nevertheless we were out of there shortly after eight and made it in time for chapel.
In chapel a few people shared their insights into a couple of scriptures.
Ben - We face battles. In the book of Nehemiah they faced battles when rebuilding the wall. Opposition from every side. If we are busy about our Father’s business we will face opposition from the devil.
Nehemiah 4:17-18 - Those who built on the wall with one hand worked construction, with the other hand had a weapon. Building the wall, they were probably fearful but went ahead with the Lord’ s work
There are always things e.g. finances, but God provides. It is a blessing that God is using us Carol - from Titus 3:3-8 - we ourselves … but after that … according to his mercy… heirs …
Arnold - in Nehemiah the enemy would come and distract them to prevent them from building. Enemy resists. He wants to stop what God has started. God lifted up those walls for his people’s protection. Sword at side. We have the Sword of the Spirit.
After chapel, Juanita helped in the office. I worked with Byron checking out the back up generator for the warehouse. Once that was running reliably we salvaged a proprietary part for a pressure washer. We spent the rest of the day attempting to troubleshoot the hydraulics on a riding floor sweeper.
Arnold spoke in chapel on the road less travelled:
Matthew 7:21
As a pastor I try to speak words of hope and love and comfort, but the Bible also has words of rebuke. Jesus here says not every person who says lord, lord will enter heaven. The word says we are to do the will of the father.
God gives us free will but also works in our hearts that we are do the will of the Father. We have plans which not bad but we always have to consider if it is God’s will. We have choices to make when we reach a fork in the road. Sometimes those Choices, those roads are not easy. We like to have it easy.
We like to be served. Sometimes we have to take hard steps for the furtherance of the kingdom. Preparing the way for our Lord and Saviour. It may be hard at times but it is worth it when we see people coming to the Lord.
It will be worth it to hear well done my faithful servant. God gives strength to do his work. Jesus says I came to save the lost.
After chapel Juanita worked in the office. I ran an errand then helped Byron install an air conditioning unit in a motor home to be used as staff housing. We got most of the interior work done and plan to carry on tomorrow with the rest. I was shy a few thousand steps and completed the daily tally at a local park.