We were at home in Meadow Lake this month except for the four weekends we travelled to Edmonton for family events and a funeral.
The snow geese of September gave way to waves of Canada Geese for all of October. I carried on doing little of practical value other than the 10k steps a day. Reading and browsing X for the latest US elections news kept me occupied. We did manage to get outside briefly to clean up the other raised, covered garden bed, add some soil and leave it fallow for the winter.
We travelled to Edmonton on the first weekend in October for Rebekah’s birthday. Deborah and most of her clan were there as well. We took advantage of that, and all went out to the glorious Yang Ming Buffet in North Edmonton.
In our decluttering activities this summer we had discovered a card that Rebekah had made on the C64 computer for Juanita’s 45th birthday. She queried what it was like to be “so old”. This being Rebekah’s 45th birthday, it was proper that her card to Juanita ended up in this year’s birthday card.
We remained in Meadow Lake for Thanksgiving weekend, but the Edmonton clan came here. I had carried away from Edmonton a stand mixer similar to a Kitchenaid but another brand. It had ceased running. With the deadline of them coming this way I took it apart, determined the problem, shaped the brushes and polished the commutator. It worked. I was surprised and pleased but also puzzled. Why do I have the ambition to do things for others but can’t seem to get around to working on my own stuff. It’s weird, there are so many choices of things that could be done but no deadlines. Curious word, “deadline”. Why does “dead” give life to action?
While they were here, we walked in our woods and Nick and Zeke moved a firewood rack for me. We had Thanksgiving dinner at Deborah’s and celebrated Odelia’s fifth birthday. The heavens celebrated her birthday with an impressive display of northern lights.
On the third weekend we drove the familiar route to Edmonton. I attended the crowded funeral of a union brother I had worked with several times. Fifty-one is too young. We had planned on coming back on the Saturday but stayed over and left Sunday. We stopped in St. Walburg for the brunch buffet at the Farmhouse. That used to be a regular thing for us when we went to church in Loon Lake over twenty years ago. As far as we can figure that was the last time we dined there. It’s still okay.
Back home I carried on doing not much more than scrolling through X to see the current state of the US presidential race. Does that make me a racist?
Back to Edmonton and Back
The fourth weekend we went back to Edmonton. This trip was to celebrate Eliana’s eleventh birthday. Friday night the kids went to a family movie night at the union hall. Saturday we all went to West Edmonton mall and walked around together. Kohen and Ezekial used some gift cards from the UA movie night to race cars with each other at a virtual racing location in the mall. We went through a mirror maze together.
After we split up to make our way back to Rebekah and Nick’s, Juanita and I had lunch at the T&T Chinese deli bar. Also, while in Edmonton, Juanita mailed her presidential and senatorial ballots to her home state.
We drove home on Sunday and spent the rest of the month fairly calmly. I did some prep work for leveling the sea can on our property.